Meet The Owner

My name is Kayla and im the owner of Classy Blonde Boutique. I got my start years ago selling Paparazzi Accessories. I done that for 3 years. Then one day I decided I wanted to do more and with the help of my husband I created Classy Blonde Boutique. It has always been my dream of owning my own business. We opened a Brick & Mortar in 2023. It started out good and I met a lot of wonderful people. But sadly, location was bad and in a town with no foot traffic. We closed the Brick & Mortar and now run everything online. We still do events in New River Valley area though as I love to interact with customers. One day maybe I can open a Brick & Mortar again. I appreciate all of my customers and new ones that have supported my journey and bought from me. One thing about me is I'm as honest as they come, and I believe a business can only work when you are open and truthful with your customers.